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Hye, my name is Marco, I am an engineer. I have spent 6 months at Bkome during a special mission for my company. I loved the place and enjoyed sharing some diners with other inhabitants when my family was far away. 


Hello, I am Margaux. I spent 6 months in Bkhome during my internship in Brussels Hospital. It was great to rest after very busy days and welcome my boyfriend during week ends!!!

Bkhome is a quiet and respectful community. People joins us for medium term stays in Brussels. 


My name is Laura, I come from Sweden and work for the European Commission. It has been very nice to be in a multicultural environment!!!

Hye, I am Frank. I have been at Bkhome for 4 months, sent by my company. It was nice to have a large private space to work from home and also I enjoyed to watch sport events in the TV lounge with other guys... 

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